After Removing a Tree What Can I Apply on It to Stop It By Growing?

Tree stumps may cause problems for homeowners including aesthetic difficulties, the possibility of danger and being somewhere where you’d like to plant something else. Various types of trees and large shrubs will also start resprouting in the cut stump. Cut-stump herbicide software can kill the stump and also prevent pesky sprouts from coming up and regrowing.

Cut-stump Basics

For applying herbicide to a cut stump, the stump should only be around 1 to 2 inches tall. Employ a proper herbicide immediately after cutting the stump; then you will want to apply the herbicide to the stump and collar — the outer edge — if you allow the stump to dry out and await herbicide application. If the stump is tall or old, consider creating a new cut with a chainsaw to lower it and open it up for the herbicide. Apply herbicide all over the stump for those smaller than 3 inches in diameter and apply herbicide to the outer edge of stumps greater than 3 inches in diameter.

Herbicide Active Ingredients

As a homeowner, you have a couple different options when it comes to getting the proper herbicide to get a cut-stump application. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System advocates an undiluted 20-percent-or-greater glyphosate product at the least; a 41-percent active ingredient, glyphosate product is much more cost effective. Triclopyr-ester herbicides are also effective. The University of Florida IFAS Extension also advocates imazapyr, triclopyr amine and triclopyr + fluroxypyr; 2,4-D and others may also be utilized.

Diluting Options

Many herbicides on the market have appropriate active ingredients to get cut-stump applications and are labeled for such applications. However, some products are not pre-mixed and ready-to-use. Several cut-stump herbicides are water-soluble, including 41-percent (or even more) glyphosate products which could be diluted as a 50-percent mixture with water. Others, including triclopyr ester and triclopyr fluroxypyr, need diluting 25 percent in endothelial oil or water, although basal oil is thicker and may also ease the procedure. Always read the item’s label prior to blending to make certain you dilute to the right ratio.

Application Processes

Not only do you’ve got choices in herbicidal products, but in addition you’ve got a couple options in how you apply the product for your stump. When you’ve got a backpack sprayer or pump sprayer handy, then you can pour the mixed herbicide to your clean sprayer and apply using a wide-but-gentle, fanned stream. Only apply the herbicide to the top of the stump — and sides if it isn’t a freshly cut stump. You may also paint the herbicide on with a paint brush. This procedure enables you more control over the product and how much you employ.

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